Recent sales

Nétonon Noël NdjékéryIl n’y a pas d’arc-en-ciel au paradis  Serbian rights sold to Partizanska knjiga

André Ourednik – Robopoïèses  Italian rights sold to Il Saggiatore and Ukrainian rights sold to Pinzel

Marisa Cornejo & Roland Junod – L’Empreinte  Spanish rights sold to LOM ediciones

Georges Schwizgebel – Filmonographie (1974-2020)  Chinese (Mandarin) rights sold to CITIC Press

Marie-Jeanne Urech – K comme Almanach  German rights sold to Rotpunktverlag

Corinne Desarzens – Un Noël avec Winston  Romanian rights sold to Editura Eikon

Daniel de Roulet – Le Bonnet rouge  German rights sold to Limmat Verlag

Julie Guinand – Survivante  German rights sold to edition gai saber

Jean Starobinski – Histoire de la médecine  Italian rights sold to Raffaello Cortina Editore

Raluca Antonescu – Inflorescence   German rights sold to verlag die brotsuppe

Antoinette Rychner – Lettres au chat  Romansh rights sold to editionmevinapuorger

Boris Mouravieff – Gnôsis T.1-3  Russian rights sold to Sophia Publishing Group Inc.



The 2023 Fiction-nonfiction Catalogue is out

Twenty-six recent titles from seven Swiss publishing houses, and several awarded novels.

The 2023 Comic Books Catalogue is out


Discover the range of Swiss artists and illustrators, from historical graphic novels to popular science and children’s books!